Massabesic District Eagle Board of Review

The District approves Eagle Scout Service Projects and holds Final Eagle Rank Boards of Review.

When and Where

First Wednesday of every month, except July, at 7:00 pm.

St. Elizabeth Seton Parish Activity Center
190 Meetinghouse Road
Bedford, NH

JT Shupe
District Eagle Board Chair


The Project Approval Process

Once a Life Scout has:
1) chosen a project

2) had it approved by the beneficiary

3) filled out the PROJECT section (section 1) and Fundraising application (if fundraising is needed) of the Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook, and

4) obtained signatures from themselves, their Scoutmaster, Committee Chair, and Beneficiary Representative — only then, the Scout themselves (not a parent or unit leader)…

…should contact the Eagle Board Chair to schedule a Project Approval Board of Review, the first of two meetings required with the Eagle Board.  Do this at least two weeks before the next Eagle Board is scheduled.  Scouts will be given an appointment, based on time available and the number of committee members available each month.  Not all Scouts can always be accommodated immediately in the next month’s reviews.

Please Note:  No Fundraising or actual work to fulfill the project being proposed can begin until after the District Eagle Board has approved the Project Proposal.

On the night they are scheduled to present their proposal, Scouts should arrive 15 minutes before their scheduled time, preferably in a full, neat Class A Uniform, and bring with them:

1) Their master copy of their entire Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook with all original signatures (preferably organized in a binder).

2) Three photocopies, made from that master, of the appropriate section(s) showing all required signatures:  PROPOSAL section and, if fundraising is required, the Fundraising Application should be included for project approvals.

3) Their Scoutmaster (or surrogate if SM is their parent), and Eagle Coach (a “silent partner”).

When the Board approves a Scout’s Eagle Service Project, they assign an Eagle Board Contact, who can authorize changes or answer questions during the project process. This is in addition to your Unit Eagle Coach, Unit Leader, and Unit Committee Chair.

Eagle Scout Rank Application

Once the Eagle Scout Rank Application is filled out, it is submitted electronically to the Council.  NOTE:  hardcopy applications delivered to the Member Service Center may incur delays.  See Submission of Eagle Scout Rank Application and Request to Schedule a Board of Review.

Pay special attention to the essay requirement, stating leadership roles served other than in Scouting, and their life’s ambitions.

Note the sequence of deadlines: 

a)  All requirements must be completed and signed off BEFORE the Scout’s 18th birthday.  

b)  We strongly recommend that all Eagle Scout Rank Applications be submitted to the Council BY the Scouts’ 18th birthday.

c)  An application for an EXTENSION can be filed, but only in extraordinary circumstances.  The extension process requires local Council recommendations followed by final approval from the BSA National Council. It is wise to submit extension requests BEFORE a Scout turns 18. Councils have the authority to grant Scouts not more than a total of six months after their 18th birthday

d) The District Eagle Board has a full 24 months AFTER the Scouts’ 18th Birthday to complete a Final Eagle Board of Review.

Please Note:  High school seniors who forward their Eagle Rank Application to Council after June 1st should note if they plan on attending college in the fall and, if so, the date they are heading to college. In that case, the board will endeavor to hold their Final Eagle Boards of Review before August 15th.  Scouts should be aware that a Final Board of Review can be held up to 24 months AFTER their 18th birthday, but all requirements must still be completed BEFORE their 18th birthday.  On rare occasions, at their discretion, the Eagle Board may convene at a time and place outside the regular schedule, to accommodate individual needs or time constraints.

Final Eagle Board of Review

Once the Eagle Scout Rank Application is verified by Council and BSA National, the District Eagle Board Chair will then contact the Scout themselves (not a parent or leader) to schedule a FINAL Board of Review.  Scouts should not call or write the Chair to check status or timing unless three or more weeks have passed since submitting the application to Council.

Scouts should arrive on their scheduled date for FINAL Eagle Boards of Review 15 minutes before their scheduled time, preferably in a full Class A Uniform, and bring with them:

1) Their MASTER COPY of their entire Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook, with all original signatures and all three sections, completely filled out (preferably organized in a binder)

2) THREE PHOTOCOPIES, made from that master, of all three sections —PROPOSAL, PLAN and REPORT sections for Finals –and showing all required signatures.

3) Their Scoutmaster (or surrogate if SM is their parent)

4) Their Eagle Coach, who is a “silent partner”

5) Their parent(s)/guardian(s)

6) Their Scout Handbook


8) A camera