Contact District Eagle Boards of Review

The unit is responsible for Boards of Review for ranks below Eagle Summit and Quartermaster in Scouts BSA, Venturing, and Sea Scouts, respectively. The Eagle Board in each district is responsible for Eagle Boards of Review for scouts in that district. The district Eagle Boards also handle Boards of Review for Summit and Quartermaster ranks in Venturing and Sea Scout, respectively. Appeals of adverse Board of Review decisions at the unit or district level and requests for an extension of time to complete Eagle, Summit, and Quartermaster requirements are handled by the Council Advancement Committee.

An Eagle Candidate must meet with the District Eagle Board twice: First for approval of their project proposal before starting their Eagle Scout Service Project, and then for their Board of Review after completing all Eagle Scout requirements, including the project Final Report. See below for general information and instructions, as well as district-specific information and instructions.

Eagle Board of Review Process

Project Proposal Review

Eagle Project Proposal reviews are scheduled when the Scout contacts the Eagle Board using the form below to request an appointment for a review. The scout must read the Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook cover-to-cover, complete the Project Proposal section, and get the first four signatures.  If any fundraising will be required, it is convenient to complete the Fundraising form from the Service Project Workbook,  get it signed, and bring it to the proposal review for approval. A Scout must not start work on the project, including fundraising until the Eagle Board has approved the proposal. (If this happens, the scout may be required to start over with a new project.) Once the proposal has been approved by the Eagle Board, the Scout is encouraged to use the final plan sections in the workbook to assist them through the planning and development process, as well as help with completing the project successfully.

Requesting an Eagle Scout Board of Review

Note: All requirements, including the project and its final report and Scoutmaster Conference, must be completed before the Scout’s 18th birthday. However, the Board of Review need not be held before a Scout turns 18. After all Eagle requirements are complete, the Eagle Candidate must complete their Eagle Scout application. (Note: Eagle Scout applications can be downloaded from the Scoutbook application; this will pull completed Merit Badges, address, and other applicable information from the Scout’s profile on Scoutbook to avoid errors in transcription of information to the Eagle Scout Application.) The scout will then get the application signed and submit it, their “ambitions and life purpose” essay, and their Eagle Scout Service Project Final Report at the online Eagle Application portal, The application will be verified by Council staff and forwarded to the district Eagle Board, who will then contact the scout to schedule a Board of Review; this process may take a few weeks.

Eagle Scout Board of Review

The scout should arrive a few minutes early for their Board of Review (in case a previous appointment ends early) in as complete a uniform as they own, with their original Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook, including the approved project proposal, plus any plans or other documents (drawings, receipts, time logs, etc.); before, during, and after photographs of the project, as appropriate; and at least three copies of the final report. The scout should be prepared to discuss anything about their scouting career and in particular, Eagle Scout requirements 1, 2, 4, and 5. The scout should be accompanied by a unit leader, project coach, or advisor. The Scout may also be accompanied by family or friends, who will wait outside the meeting room.

Please also see the Life to Eagle information at

Eagle Scout Credentials

After successfully completing a Board of Review, the new Eagle Scout will receive their credentials in the mail. Keep an eye out for this; don’t mistake it for “junk mail,” and be patient – it may take just a couple of weeks or as long as a few months to receive them. The date on the credentials will be the date of the Board of Review.

Contact Your District Eagle Board

District Eagle Board Info