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Fundraiser Kickoff is on Wednesday, February 5, 2025 at 6:30 PM.

Fundraiser starts today until April 30, 2025.

Speculative Orders are due by Monday, February 10, 2025

First Orders are due by Friday, March 14, 2025.

Final Orders are due by Wednesday, April 30, 2025

PLEASE NOTE: Payment for the product is due at the time the product is picked up, no exceptions. Be sure your treasurer provides you with a check to pay for the order.


Unit Commissions

Product Commission per Item
Maple Syrup (pint) $7.15
Maple Syrup (quart) $14.95
Pancake Mix $6.00
Maple Candy $2.75
Maple Sugar $2.75

Online Store

To assist units with providing their customers with an online ordering system, the Council has established an online store. 

Please note the following:

  • Credit Cards are accepted and is requested the customer pick up the related credit card fees.
  • DWC is not responsible for delivering the product to the customer.
  • All products will be delivered to the unit for distribution to their customer.
  • DWC will provide units with a report of all online sales to facilitate delivery.
  • Earned commissions will be credited to the unit’s account or on your invoice.
  • It is important the customer knows the Scout’s name, unit type, and unit number so proper credit is given.

Q.What is a Speculative Product Order?
A. The unit does not have confirmed customer orders to support the order.

Q. If my unit takes product on a speculative basis, can I return any of the product?
A. Unfortunately, you cannot. Therefore, it is recommended that each unit’s committee understands they are assuming the financial risk before you decide to take a speculative product order.

Q. When do I have to pay for a Speculative Product Order?
A. You will need to pay for the product at the time it is picked up.

Picking Up Your Order

Expect approximately a two-week delivery schedule. When ordering Maple Syrup, Pancake Mix, or any of the other products, unit coordinators should plan for the following:

Camp Carpenter Dining Hall (Subject to change)
300 Blondin Road
Manchester, NH 03109

Times to be arranged. Other accommodations may be made if requested in advance.

Due to the expected winter storm, our Member Care Center will be closed on Thursday, February 6th. For assistance, please email support@nhscouting.org.