Eagle Scout Awards
The National Eagle Scout Association (NESA) helps Eagle Scouts as they move on to the next stage of life.
Education is a valuable tool for a young person regardless of what kind of career they choose. Yet, finances can be a big hurdle in attaining the necessary knowledge for one’s future vocation.
Fortunately, NESA assists Eagle Scouts with their educational pursuits whether it be at a four-year university, vocational trade school or field study opportunities.
The NESA chapter Scouting America New Hampshire also selects recipients of the “Council Eagle Scout of the Year” and the “Glenn A and Melinda W. Adams National Eagle Scout Project of the Year” awards. Nominations for both awards are due by December 31.
Unit committees and/or Scout’s parents may want to request congratulatory letters for new Eagle Scouts. For help with this, see information from the New Hampshire Marine Corps League below and https://blog.scoutingmagazine.org/2012/05/02/how-to-request-congratulatory-letters-for-your-eagle-scout/. Note at the bottom of http://usscouts.org/eagle/eaglecongrats.asp the list of individuals and organizations who have made specific requests that requests not be sent to them.
For those leaders planning Eagle Court of Honors and submitting recognition requests, please note the new contact information for NH MCL Chair Dan Fedor on the request form.
- Download the request form
- Click here to email your completed form to Dan Fedor *Be sure to include a parent/guardian and unit leader on your email.

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