The Campmaster Corps is a group of registered adult Scouters who volunteer to serve at council owned camps to provide operational and program support to units during the camp’s short term camping season. Campmasters are chosen by the council to serve in this capacity based on their skills, training, and experience as well as their desire to serve the units utilizing our facilities.
Procedure for Becoming a GSR Campmaster
Any registered adult member (21 years of age and over) of Scouting America may apply to the Council for appointment to the Campmaster Corps.
The Application and Selection Process
- Fill out a Campmaster Application Form
- Upon receiving the completed forms, the Campmaster Chief will present the application to the Council’s property committee for initial approval. The committee will evaluate each candidate in areas such as Scouting experience, property specific experience, specific Scouting knowledge, perceived ability to act in an emergency, people and customer service skills, etc.
- If a candidate is endorsed by the property committee by a majority vote of the membership, the application will be forward to the Scouting America New Hampshire staff for final approval and appointment to the GSR Campmaster Corps.
- The application below will be submitted electronically and reviewed. Once approved, you will receive additional information about the Campmaster Corps at Griswold Scout Reservation.
There are several reasons why the Council utilizes a Campmaster Corps.
First, to serve as a liaison between the council and the many units, both Scouting and Non-Scouting, that utilize our properties for short term activities. Your involvement with the youth and adult leadership of these units will greatly enhance their visit to GSR as well as allowing them to deliver quality program to their youth. Having a Campmaster on property while the property is in use allows the full time Ranger staff to focus on property operation and maintenance. Having well trained, active Campmasters allows that to take place without compromising any service that our short term camping units may require. Campmasters will be trained in basic facility operation as well as emergency procedures.
Second, to deliver a specific program or serve as a liaison between program providers and the units in camp. Units will often have a Council provided program element incorporated into their stay. This program may be delivered directly by the Campmaster, or others and may include offerings such as Shooting Sports, COPE, ATV training, or others.
Last but not least, as ambassadors of Scouting America New Hampshire and Griswold Scout Reservation. Many of the units camping at GSR during the winter season are from out of council units, some are Council units that go elsewhere for summer camp, and many are GSR veteran units that know the property like the back of their hands. However, for most, the Campmaster is who they will identify as the face of GSR while they are in camp. We encourage you to visit the units throughout their stay, get feedback from the leadership as well as the youth. Ask them where they attend summer camp and if they would like promotional material or would like to schedule a Summer Camp promotional visit.
The Campmaster Corps is led by a volunteer Campmaster Chief, and Assistant Chief who work closely with the Ranger(s), as well as the council management team in order to fulfill the mission of the Campmaster Corps. Typically, Campmasters will serve one to two weekends per year, depending on the depth of available Campmasters and the amount of use and particular camp experiences.