Arrowhead District Eagle Board of Review

All regularly scheduled meetings are held at:

St. James United Methodist Church
646 Daniel Webster Highway
Merrimack, NH 03054

Enter through the door at the left end of the “connector” between the 2 main buildings, turn right up the hallway, and look for Scout Leaders.

Contact Us

NOTE: Be sure to include at least one other adult on any email correspondence to the District Eagle Board Administrator or Chair, to comply with BSA youth protection policy. Messages not complying with this policy may be ignored.

Erin Crowley
Eagle Board Chair

Rich Filteau
Eagle Board Admin

Eagle Board Notes

Project Proposal Reviews:

  1. To request an appointment, the Scout should send an email with a request for an appointment and the completed and signed project proposal section (and optionally the fundraising application) of the Eagle Scout Leadership Service Workbook to the District Eagle Administrator at least two weeks in advance of the desired meeting date.
  2. The Administrator will contact Scout to schedule an appointment.

Boards of Review:

  1. To request an appointment, the Scout should submit their legibly completed and signed application, essay, and legibly completed and signed project report using the “Submit Your Eagle Scout Rank Application” portal at
  2. The documents will be certified by the DWC staff and forwarded to the District Eagle Administrator. This may take a few weeks.
  3. The Administrator will contact Scout to schedule an appointment. The Eagle Board of Review will be scheduled no sooner than a week after the Scout’s Eagle application, Statement of Ambition, and Project Report are received by the District from the DWC office.
  4. Scouts who submit their completed Eagle applications after May 15th and will be attending college out of the area in the fall should separately send an email to the District Eagle Administrator to advise of their situation; reasonable efforts will be made to provide an appointment to accommodate such an Eagle candidate’s schedule.
  5. Eagle candidates should:
    • arrive at least five (5) minutes early with one adult leader to accompany them in the review (Eagle Coach/Project Advisor, SM)
    • bring three (3) copies of your project report & workbook plus your original signature page
    • bring your Scout handbook
    • bring at least one copy of any before, during, and after pictures of the project
  6. Parents/Guardians or other family/friends are welcome to attend but will be requested to wait quietly and respectfully in the lobby while the Board of Review is underway. All guests are welcome into the Review after the Board has made their decision. Don’t forget a camera!

Note: Eagle Scout applications can be downloaded from the Scoutbook application; this will pull completed Merit Badge, address, and other applicable information from the Scout’s profile on Scoutbook, to avoid errors in transcription of information to the Eagle Scout Application. You can access Scoutbook by visiting

Note: While all requirements, including the project and Scoutmaster Conference, must be completed before the Scouts 18th birthday, the Board of Review need not be held before a Scout turns 18.

Meeting Schedule:

  • Appointments are scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis so your appointment might be after any requested date.
  • Please check the council calendar for specific meeting dates and exceptions to this schedule:
  • During the regular program year (September-June) the district Eagle Board meets twice each month for both proposal reviews and Boards of Review at both meetings, on the 2nd Tuesday and the 4th Wednesday of each month. In August, a meeting may be held to accommodate Eagle candidates going away to college. In November and December meetings are moved from the 4th to the 3rd Wednesday (to avoid conflicts with holidays).
  • In July and August; the board will meet “as-needed,” if there are several scouts needing appointments for proposal reviews and/or Boards of Review.