Scouts Read Sacred Texts Worldwide
We invite Scouts & youth across New Hampshire to join the Worldwide Scouting Movement on May 1st, 2025 by reading their own faith’s sacred texts. Together, we can recognize our Duty to God, participating as a group or on your own. Read your sacred texts on May 1st, 2025, or any time that week.
Virtual 12th Point Hike
10/26/24 @ 1:00 PM on Zoom
Cub Scouts, Scouts and adult Scouters are all invited to participate in this virtual tour of various faith traditions. Come to learn about the tenets and practices of faiths that may be different than your own. You may even learn something new about your own faith tradition. Through understanding we build mutual respect, acceptance and appreciation of one another.
National Day of Prayer
Hosted by the Greater St. Louis Area Council, on May 2, 2024, Scouting has organized a few of the larger Councils around the world to represent the Scouting movement, and they will read the entire sacred texts of these world religions – Protestant, Catholic, Jewish, and Muslim faiths.
Virtual Protestant Religious Emblems Program
A Bible-based religious emblems program for Protestant and Independent Christian churches.