2025 Course Dates: July 6 - 11, 2025
NYLT is a week-long outdoor leadership training program for youth leaders developed by Scouting America and conducted by councils around the country. A highly trained youth staff under the supervision of adult advisors set the example in modeling the core learning and leadership messages of the National NYLT syllabus.
The course focuses on teaching advanced leadership skills through the patrol or crew method. The participants will be challenged to accomplish activities and projects using the leadership skills taught in the course. Participants will experience the simulation of a month in the life of a Scouting unit, complete with meetings, activities, and planning for the big monthly outing.
Frequently Asked Questions
We run the NYLT program completely outdoors at Hidden Valley at Griswold Scout Reservation in Gilmanton, NH.
- To create an enthusiastic and fun situation where participants will experience “Scouting at its best”;
- To give participants the confidence and knowledge to run their unit program and an opportunity to explore new program ideas with their peers;
- To improve the health of scouting units and to create a youth training pool to assist in District level training events.
- Participants will gain the most from the course if they have had a successful experience as an elected leader.
- Venturers or Explorers who are Crew or Post members looking to step into a leadership role for their Crew, Post, or school in the upcoming year should definitely attend.
- OA Chapters are encouraged to send teams of their upcoming leaders to the course.
- Scouts (male and female) must be 13 years of age and fall within the maximum age allowance for their program registration. They should be ranked a First Class Scout or higher and have completed Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops.
- Venturers and Sea Scouts (male and female) must be at least 14, or 13 and have completed eighth grade, and fall within the maximum age allowance for their program. They should have completed Introduction to Leadership Skills for Crews or Ships.
- Scoutmasters with questions can email the course director at
To attend an NYLT course, a youth shall have the following qualifications by the beginning of the course:
- Must be a registered member of a Scouting unit
- Must have a current BSA Health and Medical Record form parts A, B, and C (Note, Participants are required to submit a copy of their health record on CampDocs.
- Scouts (male and female) must be 13 years of age and fall within the maximum age allowance for their program registration. They should be ranked a First Class Scout or higher and have completed Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops.
- Venturers and Sea Scouts (male and female) must be at least 14, or 13 and have completed eighth grade, and fall within the maximum age allowance for their program. They should have completed Introduction to Leadership Skills for Crews or Ships. It is recommended that they have had at least one year of camping experience. While NYLT is not an outdoor skills course, it is important that each participant have basic camping and outdoor cooking experience.
- A unit leader recommendation Scoutmasters with questions should contact the Course Director to ensure that this program is the right fit for their scout. Click here to email the Course Director.
Like many councils, we began offering the National Curriculum in 2000, when it was called Junior Leader Training. This happened to be the same year Camp Bell was opened as Patrol development focused camp to complement the individual/troop experiences offered at Camp Hidden Valley.
- The uniqueness of NYLT offered by our Council is in the way we teach and the way we tie it back to serving our local troops.
- Unlike other councils, we encourage participants to tie their first experience at applying their lessons learned to addressing a need in their scout troop, rather than to just advancing a personal goal.
- Additionally, since we do not have electricity to present the course material through DVD players and Power Point presentations, we have worked closely with local educators to leverage the resources of the camp to make the learning more experiential.
- This means we invest significantly more time in developing our course staff so that they can effectively teach the curriculum to their peer group.
Applications will be accepted until the pre-camp meeting in June. The course is very popular, and enrollment is limited. It is recommended to register early to avoid disappointment.
Upon registration, Scouts, their Parents, and their Scoutmasters will receive additional information and an invitation to attend the Orientation Meeting at Hidden Valley on Sunday, June 8, 2025. Scoutmasters are encouraged to attend the pre-camp meeting to learn more about how they can support the leadership development of their Scouts.
We recognize that many of our participants have never been away from their family or local scout troop for more than a sleepover, let alone a full week, so we want to meet with you to address any of your concerns and theirs ahead of time.
- We ask that you do everything possible to attend our Pre-Camp Meeting, Sunday June 8, 2025, from 1:00 to 3:00pm at Griswold Scout Reservation. Parents, Participants, and Scoutmasters/Crew Advisors are strongly encouraged to attend.
- While your child is off getting to know their Patrol Counselor and fellow patrol members, we will have breakout sessions for parents and for Scoutmasters to review the course expectations and to answer all your questions.
Staggered Drop offs will be between 11:30am and 12:15pm on Sunday, July 6, 2025, at Hidden Valley. Participants will be told about their drop off time at the pre-camp meeting. Please eat lunch prior to arrival.
- Scouts who are carpooling or sibling scouts are asked to arrive at whatever time is earlier.
- Pick up is precisely at 8:00pm on Friday evening. Parents are invited to observe the Closing Ceremony at Hidden Valley at 7:00pm.
- All normal Council requirements for summer camp apply to NYLT.
- NYLT will provide an NYLT hat and three (3) NYLT t-shirts. Please see the packing list for more specifics on what to bring and what is not needed.
- We wear the complete scout uniform at morning and evening flag ceremonies, to certain presentations throughout the week, and for breakfast and dinner. We encourage participants to borrow uniform items from scouts in their home troop.
Why a backpack and not a footlocker?
- Patrols carry all their personal gear to their campsite.
Why a set of clothes that can get filthy?
- We have plenty of fun at camp, and two of our most well regarded activities include activities that prove to be challenging in the washing machine after hanging out in a laundry bag all week: our obstacle course seems to be most fun when it is mostly mud, and the realistic first aid class seems to bring out the most exuberant creativity even though the food coloring tends to be hard to wash out.
The link to the BSA Med Forms can be found here:
Regarding medicines, allergies, and food preferences.
- Participants are not allowed to carry their own prescription or over-the-counter medicines while at camp. Parents are asked to bring medicines necessary for their child at camp on the first day of camp to registration/drop off and turn them into the camp health staff using the original prescription bottles (loose medications cannot be accepted)
- Camp health staff can only dispense medications in accordance with the label on the prescription bottle unless they have a signed directive from a physician stating otherwise. The camp staff will record of dispensing medications.
- If your child’s physician has directed them to carry an epi pen or an inhaler, an additional form signed by your child’s healthcare provider will be required.
- Participants at NYLT prepare their meals as a patrol, still, we are able to address individual requirements and preferences through prior planning and communication.
- The camp commissary can provide substitutes related to many of the common allergies, but parents are encouraged to contact the Reservation Service Center the week prior to NYLT to clarify your scout’s specific needs during camp. Parents are welcome to bring supplements for their child’s needs/preferences to the commissary during check in/registration. Those items will be sent up with the patrols meal kits as coordinated during the week.
- Dietary restrictions should be recorded in Camp Docs as well.
Our commitment is that if something directly involves your child, we will do everything in our power to connect with you personally. If something of public interest happens at camp, please do not call the camp phone numbers, rather, look for Daniel Webster Council to update their social media and notification systems.
A pre-camp meeting for Scouts, parents, and unit leaders will be held on Sunday, June 8, 2025 at Griswold Scout Reservation, from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM.
Participants are expected to check in with their Patrol Counselor after the pre-camp meeting but before the course week to confirm preparations.
The NYLT Course week will begin with check-ins between 11:30 to 12:15 PM on Sunday, July 6, 2025 at Hidden Valley. Participants will be given their check-in time at the pre-camp meeting. Bag lunches will be provided at registration. Please access the camp through the Hidden Valley camp entrance.
Parents are asked to hand-carry all meds and any meal supplements for special dietary considerations. Parents may contact the camp nurse or commissary prior to camp week with any concerns.
The NYLT closing ceremony will be held on Friday night, July 11, 2025 at the Council Fire Ring. Parents are welcome to observe. Dismissal will be at 8:00 PM.
Participants are expected to be in full, official Scout uniforms for the pre-camp meeting, check-in, all flag ceremonies, and most meals. Rather than purchasing new uniform items, participants are encouraged to borrow extra socks, shorts, etc from friends in their unit.
Venturers will get more direction on uniform and packing requirements for the course week during the pre-camp meeting.
Participants will be asked to complete a leadership project (their vision) after completing the week-long course. There will be a Course Gathering the first weekend in December so that participants can share their project results and reunite with their NYLT patrols and troop.

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