Historic District Committee
Meets on the First Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm
Please review the District Calendar for any date changes
Have questions? Contact Mike Merry
Scott Rogers
Program Committee Chair
Email me
George Adamakos
Civic Service Committee
Email me
It is the responsibility program committee to support units through the planning, promotion, and operation of multi-unit events that supplement, but do not supplant, unit program.
A district activities committee does the following:
- Plans and promotes a well-balanced schedule of district events, and recruits teams to carry them out.
- Decides how Scouting can become involved in selected needs and interests of communities in the district. Helps Scouting units take part in community service projects in such a manner that youth members learn qualities of good citizenship.
- Plan and promote Good Turn for America projects at both a district and unit level.
- Promotes and assists with the planning of council events (such as the council show or Eagle Scout dinner).
- Promotes and carries out the district’s share of national events (such as Scouting Anniversary Week or a national jamboree).
- Conducts an annual poll of unit leaders to determine unit needs and interests for district activities.
Michelle Forrestall
District Advancement Chair
Email me
Cub Scout Advancement Chair
Boy Scout Advancement Chair
Michelle Forrestall
Merit Badge Counselor Chair
Email me
Matt Wirth
Eagle Board Chair
Email me
Matt Wirth
Eagle Board Scheduler
Email me
The function of the district advancement and recognition committee is to motivate and train unit leaders and unit committee members in the advancement program. Set district advancement goals.
- Help units establish an active advancement program.
- Recruit and train merit badge counselors.
- Maintain a current list of merit badge counselors.
- Assemble a Ranger Award and Quest Award resource list
- Provide assistance in Eagle Scout advancement, including Eagle Scout boards of review.
- Provide recognition to district Scouters.
- Provide program resources for the unit.
For Eagle Board-related questions please contact Eagle Board Chair.
Committee Chair
Email us for questions
Cub Scout Camp Promotion Chair
Scouts BSA Camp Promotion Chair
Bryan Inert
Order of the Arrow Chapter Advisor
Email me
A district camp promotion and outdoor committee does the following:
- Promote unit participation in council camping opportunities.
- Help select leaders and develop programs for district Cub Scout day camp.
- Promote the use of camperships for members with financial need.
- Working closely with its officers, guide the Order of the Arrow to help promote camping in the district.
For more information and volunteer opportunities, please email us here.
A district finance committee does the following:
- Obtain and understand the district’s portion of funds to be raised toward the council budget.
- Organize and carry out a successful NH Scouting Annual Campaign in the district and meet the goal by the target date.
- Promote the council plan for endowment development.
- Inform units of unit finance policies.
- Provide recognition to donors, along with information on how their dollars helped serve youth.
Jeff Flieder
Membership Chair
Email me

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